NO Surprises: TEACH for success!

Our Presenters

Jennifer Kleiber – As Senior Manager for
Training at EL Saber, Jennifer brings a
love for training and coaching teachers
of struggling learners, from long-term
ELs to newcomers. She has a passion for equipping
teachers with knowledge and strategies to boost
the motivation and success of all students through
interaction, rigor and intentional language development.

Valorie Kruger – As teacher, trainer and coach in Florida and Texas, Valerie developed an immense passion for literacy instruction. She has channelled her energy to empower teachers in areas of DOK, guided reading, PLCs, building interventions and modelling lessons in the classrooms. She believes that the experiences that teachers gain equip them to steer their planning and lesson delivery in the most appropriate ways.

Are you working hard but not getting the results you want?

It’s time to think about instruction differently! In this seminar,
STAAR assessed grade level teachers will experience a series
of thought provoking activities and engaging discussions that
will get you excited about designing lessons needed for your
students’ success.

You will leave knowing how to:

  • Use an effective measurement tool that defines the required
    level of thinking of the standard,
  • Scaffold instruction to move students to deeper levels of
    thinking, and
  • Design differentiated questions for specific content standards
    using the already made stems provided.


Don’t miss out in designing dynamic learning opportunities that will take your students to new heights in learning!


STAAR Guide to Success

120 DOK Question Stems
and Sentence Frames
(English and Spanish)